Every day: Oly: Are we having rest time today?
Cara: Yup. Every day til Kindergarten!!!
Oly: Groaaaannnnnnnnnn.
Cara: and someday in the very unimaginable future, you will want rest time again...
We beat the heat at LaTourette with a morning picnic. They've been playing games they call 'Survivor', 'Rainbow Friends', 'Family', and.....the other one!
There were several 'I HATE smoothies....' when that's what they were presented with at snack, but those haters soon came around to lovers, to tell-my-mom-the-recipe-ers. Here's what went in today:
frozen tropical fruit
a frozen banana or two
some blueberries
a little orange juice
a little oatmilk
a little cow milk
a little ice cream
The pictures show the rest.
(They also said they hate water balloons. We'll put that to the test tomorrow!)
2 more days.